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New Balance Adds an EXLOS Styled Platform in Reconsidered

New Balance’s Reconsidered Resale program is akin to Nike’s Refurbished program and other brands attempting to navigate the growing world of DTC. Sneaker Impact loves the language used by New Balance, “Reconsidered Launch Aims to Support the Brand’s Commitment to Extend the Lifecycle of Its Products.” 

At Sneaker Impact when we coined the term EXLOS (EXtending the Life of Sneakers) our goal was to inspire brands to take on the tagline and use it in their own ventures. Sneaker Impact understands that companies exist in a perpetual state of conflict. To grow they have to produce more footwear, but growing means the eventual destination is a landfill. While we are working on solutions to separate and grind damaged sneakers and footwear, it’s a complex process and any company willing to state that they are trying to prolong the use of their sneakers is worthy of discussing.

The reality, however, is Reconsidered, like Refurbished, has to be explained as what the programs really are, attempts to shift and move an excess amount of inventory and a way to deal with the considerable returns which happen as a brand acquires more direct to consumer fans. Consumers who have become conditioned to free returns utilize the home as a showroom and try-on closet. In many instances these customers keep a product for months before deciding it doesn’t fit and those consumers demand full refunds even after wearing the product.

Reconsidered introduces a strategy which adjusts long-standing return and customer policies enabling a brand to gain control of increasing fraud and abuse of brand strategies meant to endear the brand to fans of the company. While the program does very little in adding to the circular economy, it does make perfect business sense and will become a welcomed addition as all brands begin to implement these business adjustments.